Trust Your Taste, Trust Yourself

I saved you a spot :)

The virtual Trust Your Taste Workshop is here! So no matter where you are in the world, you can finally experience it for yourself on Sunday, July 28th 6pm ET. As a perk of being a subscriber, you can get 10% off with code NEWSLETTER!

The Trust Your Taste Workshop (virtual)

People often come into my classes unsure how to describe their taste, and not really feeling confident in knowing what they like (in cheese or in life, they’re more connected than you think).

They leave knowing a bit more about cheese, and a lot more about how sensory experiences shape our everyday worldview.

You can finally learn to trust your own taste, preferences, and intuitions. And the way it happens? Journaling, guided discussion, and eating cheese.

Win-win? I think so.

The Trust Your Taste workshop is a deep dive into the joys and benefits of sensory memory where we taste, write, and reflect all while slowing down and indulging in some delicious artisanal treats.

We’ll talk about the basics of cheesemaking, pairing principles, and answer any cheese question you could possibly have. And….

This workshop is all about learning how to trust ourselves.

This isn’t the class where I shame you for being the person who scoops out the middle of a piece of brie and leaves the rind. This is the class where you figure out WHY you do that, OWN IT, and learn how that might help your future tasting adventures.

Something magic happens when we slow down and pay attention to our senses, thoughts, and experiences.

I have seen the combination of cheese tasting, writing exercises, and guided discussion spark ideas for new projects, connect the dots in research, lead to group bonding, and even begin a process of healing.

This workshop is the reason this newsletter exists! So if you enjoy your time here, I think you’ll really like it.

This work is surprising, fun, casually deep, and tasty. It’s a really special experience, and I cannot WAIT to see you there.

What You’ll Need:

To register your spot on Eventbrite

Something to write with

Something to write on (preferably a journal)

Your memory wheel (you’ll get this in your inbox the week of the workshop)

Water for palate cleansing

Three cheeses (more about this on the event page)

See you there,
